中外合资企业章程 中英对照
Articles of Association for Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures
目 录
第一章 总则
第二章 宗旨、经营范围
第三章 投资总额和注册资本
第五章 经营管理机构
第六章 财务会计
第七章 利润分配
第八章 职工
第九章 工会组织
第十章 期限、终止、清算
第十一章 规章制度
第十二章 适用法律
第十三章 附则
Articles of Association for Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures
Chapter 1 General Provision
Chapter 2 The Purpose l Scope and Scale of the Business
Chapter 3 Total Amount of Investment and the Registered Capital
Chapter 4 The Board of Directors
Chapter 5 Business Management Office
Chapter 6 Finance and Accounting
Chapter 7 Profit Sharing
Chapter 8 Staff and Workers
Chapter 9 The Trade Union Organization
Chapter 10 Duration, Termination and Liquidation of the Jint Venture Company
Chapter 11 Rules and Regulations
Chapter 12 Applicable Law
Chapter 13 Supplementary Articles
第一章 总则
第一条 根据《中华人民共和国中外合资企业法》,和中国×公司(以下简称甲方)与×国×××公司)合资经营合同,特制订本合营公司章和。
第二条 合营公司中文名称为:××有限公司
第三条 甲、乙双方的名称、法定地址为:
第四条 合营公司的组织形式为有限责任公司。甲乙方仅以现行或日后修改的本章程规定的各自认缴的出资额对合营公司承担责任。在上述前提下,各方按其认缴的出资额在注册资本中的比例分享利润和分担风险及亏损。
第五条 合营公司为中国法人,受中国法律管辖和保护,其一切活动必遵守中国的法律、法令和有关条例规定。
Chapter 1 General Provision
Article 1
In accordance with the “Law of the People‘s Republic of China on joint Venture UsingChinese and Foreign Investment” and the contract signed on in_________ ,china, by, ×Co.(hereinafter referred to as Party A)。 and ×××Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Party A), to set up a joint venture, ×× Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as joint venturecompany), the Articles of Association hereby is formulated.
Article 2
The names of the joint venture company shall be ××Limited Liability Company
Its abbreviation is
The Legal address of the joint venture company is at
Article 3
The names and legal addresses of each parties are as follows:
Party A: × Co. , China, and its legal address is
party B: ××× Co., Ltd, and its legal address is
article 4
The organization form of joint venture company is a limited liability company. The liabilities of each party to the joint venture company just limits to its contributed capital, which stipulated in the Articles of Association or in the revised afterwards. The profits, risks and losses of the joint venture company shall be shared by the parties in proportion to their contributions of the registered capital.
Article 5
The joint venture company has the status of a legal person and is subject to the jurisdiction and protection of Chinese laws concerned. All activities of the joint venture company shall be governed by the laws. decrees and pertinent rules and regulations of the People‘s Republic of China.
第二章 宗旨、经营范围
第六条 甲、乙方合资经营的目的是:本着加强经济合作和技术交流的愿望,采用先进而适用的技术和科学的经营管理方法,提高产品质量,发民新产品,并在质量、价格等 方面具有国际市场上的竞争能力,提高经济效益,使投资各方获得满意的经济利益。(注:在章程中要根据具体情况写明。)
第七条 合营公司经营范围为:
第八条 合营公司生产规模为:
第九条 合营公司向国内、外市场自行销售其产品,并开展有关的其他服务。合营公司将出口销售和取得外汇收入放在优先地位,以保证合营公司的成功和发展。
Chapter 2 The Purpose, Scope and Scale of the Business
Article 6
The purpose of the parties to the joint venture is in conformity with the wish of enhancing the economic cooperation and technical exchanges, to raise economic results and ensure satisfactory economic benefits for each investor by improving the product quality, developing new products, and gaining competitive position in the world market in quality and price through advanced and appropriate technology and scientific management.
Article 7
Business scope of the joint venture company is
Article 8
The production scale of the joint venture company is as follows:
Article 9
The products of the joint venture company will be sold on Chinese market and overseas market and after-sale services will be provided by themselves. In order to pursuing the success and development of the joint venture company, the joint venture company shall give the top priority on export of the products and earning foreign currency.