Hope Gabriel Likes My Music歌词由Bunny Berrigan演唱,出自专辑《Jazz Archives Presents: ”Bunny & Red”》,下面是《Hope Gabriel Likes My Music》完整版歌词!
Hope Gabriel Likes My Music歌词完整版
Hope Gabriel Likes My Music - Bunny Berigan/Red McKenzie
I hope gabriel likes my music
When I meet him way up there
If I play to sweethearts and lonely
I hope gabriel likes my music
When I meet him way up there
If there's too much toot I'll use my mute
When not come knocking
Oh please start rocking
The place starts swinging
Golden bells will be ringing
I hope gabriel likes my music
When I climb that golden stair
If there's too much moan I'll change my tone
If I play too sharp I'll try that harp
If he says no no I'll bolt the door
I hope gabriel likes my music