Music takes me higher
higher higher higher
higher higher higher
higher higher higher
higher higher higher
Music takes me higher
I got the music
I got the rhythm
I got the music
Music takes me higher
I got the music
I got the rhythm
I got the music
Music takes me higher
Music takes me higher
Music takes me higher
Music takes me higher
Music takes me higher
higher higher higher
higher higher higher
Music takes
Music takes me higher
Music takes me higher
I got the rhythm
Music takes me higher
Music takes me higher
I feel the music from my head to my toes
And I just let the rhythm take full control
And I
I feel the music from my head to my toes
And I just let the rhythm take full control
And I
I feel the music from my head to my toes
And I just let the rhythm take full control
And I
I feel the music from my head to my toes
And I just let the rhythm take full control
And I
I feel the music from my head to my toes
And I just let the rhythm take full control
And I
Music takes me high
Music takes me higher
I got the rhythm
Music takes me higher
Music takes me higher
I feel the music from my head to my toes
And I just let the rhythm take full control
And I
I feel the music from my head to my toes
And I just let the rhythm take full control
And I
full control And I