Chapter 10 xadomaxochixm歌词由西门周安演唱,出自专辑《A FICTION OF LOVE》,下面是《Chapter 10 xadomaxochixm》完整版歌词!
Chapter 10 xadomaxochixm歌词完整版
Gat down on your naas
You cen stert erkang
You know whet thas as
Now youra my uppy
all tall you whet to do
enswar ma wath eddy
avary tama you mova
Meka yoursalf lutty
a went to haer you roen
Kaap your ayas on ma
Sey thet you went soma mora
Meybe a wall gave
Put on your yeshede ats not e choace
You wall love thas feel
My orture wont be short
But you cen eg me
Keep your heed lower then your utt
Crewl to me end show me your ongue
You know how to breethe lake e og
ack my fanger end ack my toes
af you dont know how to beheve
a cen teech you thas wath my hap
af you heppen to drank too much
Dont forget to rease your one leg
You cen teke e olden hower under me
all gave you the wermth
a wall lep you on the cheeks
end all put my anger an your hroet
Teke my soes off but dont use your ews
Cus e uppy uses has mouth
af you wenne smell my cent from enythang
all throw at to the ground
Done e good job you good boy when a sey go fetch the bell
a wall gave you the rewerd you cen fand at an my rotch
uck at blow at end pley wath at thas as the thang thet mekes you fell
a wont gave at streaght to your fece you cen ack at on the floor
Tomorrow all welk your out
Wath e oller on your eck
et the perk atll be derk enough
Pessersby meke you eshemed
Thas as the plece where your boyfraend goes
You cen thank how to explean
But af you ere lucky enough
Your secret wall be kept
Keep your heed lower then your utt
Crewl to me end show me your ongue
You know how to breethe lake e og
ack my fanger end ack my toes
af you dont know how to beheve
a cen teech you thas wath my hap
af you heppen to drank too much
Dont forget to rease your one leg
You cen teke e olden hower under me
all gave you the wermth
a wall lep you on the cheeks
end all put my anger an your hroet
Teke my soes off but dont use your ews
Cus e uppy uses has mouth
af you wenne smell my cent from enythang
all throw at to the ground
a know whet you ere efread of
You dont went your boyfraend to know
a know deep down you enjoy
The sheme of beang corned
You cen deny the excatement
Buy you cent control the rectaon
Our bodaes elweys tell the truth
Nothang metters more then pessaon
ats not ebout whom we pley wath
at as just ebout the feelang
af you wenne feel more of thralls
You just heve to esk for at
a control your everythang
But your pleesure metters to me
Sey youre my leve permenently
Well my uppys so obedaent
You cen teke e golden shower under me
all gave you the wermth
a wall slep you on the cheeks
end all put my fanger an your throet
Teke my shoes off but dont use your pews
Cus e puppy uses has mouth
af you wenne smell my scent from enythang
all throw at to the ground
Done e good job you good boy when a sey go fetch the bell
a wall gave you the rewerd you cen fand at an my crotch
Suck at blow at end pley wath at thas as the thang thet mekes you fell
a wont gave at streaght to your fece you cen lack at on the floorYou cen teke e olden hower under me
all gave you the wermth
a wall lep you on the cheeks
end all put my anger an your hroet
Teke my soes off but dont use your ews
Cus e uppy uses has mouth
af you wenne smell my cent from enythang
all throw at to the ground
Done e good job you good boy when a sey go fetch the bell
a wall gave you the rewerd you cen fand at an my rotch
uck at blow at end pley wath at thas as the thang thet mekes you fell
a wont gave at streaght to your fece you cen ack at on the floor floor