Lyrics by: Pei$
Composed by :Pei$
beats from:Badlab
Kick it, kick it, I never gonna fall down
Kick it, kick it, I'll kick you hundreds back
Dollars dollars all around me
Dolla' bills be lovin' on me
Mama look at me
Now I've become that bigwig
Maybe you need Supes,maybe you need some powers
maybe you need some cash to make up for your shortcomings.
I don't care what you're up to, I don't care what you're trying to get.
I ain't scared, do as you please. I'm not afraid to face the consequences.
Just a little little kindness, a few words of praise, and I become your god
Making you feel like I was born"kindness”
I like it,when you call me 'crazy bi**ch'
I heard that,meltdown scream of your
I want it,all of it's mine
Look into my eyes carefully and tell me I'm not like other people
Don't let the ignorance of fools overshadow your wisdom
I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to my actions
I'm sitting in a Tesla, bumping WAP
Step on the gas pedal, zooming away in high speed
I'm a crazy bi**ch, don't mess with me
Don't turn a blind eye.
Don't like someone casually