How can that be
Our modern day consumer
The intellect the handicap
Our drive is only capital
In which we baptize these ideas
A blessing of purpose
Giving birth to fears
The capital, the eater
Capital punishment
Was shot or hanged, beheaded
A sentence for villains
Practitioners of murder
The meaning has changed
A hefty life onto your shoulders
Deserving Undeserving
Billions now serve
A web of beastly machines
That spawn a multitude of isms
Consumed by spiders
A trap and a deceiver
Has made us so willing to fall
This eater
Our one and only God
Dare say I
A modern type of flood
As if hounds that bark
We're sadly missing an ark
Capital was once conceived created
A tool that supposedly served
How horrid we were deceived and fooled
By the flute of pan
Deserving Undeserving
This eater
Our one and only God
Dare say I
A modern type of flood
As if hounds that bark
We're sadly missing an ark
The love of mothers
Finishing all