Talkin’ Like You (Two Tall Mountains)歌词由Connie Converse演唱,出自专辑《How Sad, How Lovely》,下面是《Talkin’ Like You (Two Tall Mountains)》完整版歌词!
Talkin’ Like You (Two Tall Mountains)歌词完整版
In between two tall mountains
there's a place they call lonesome
Don't see why they call it lonesome
I'm never lonesome when I go there
See that bird sitting on my windowsill
well he's saying whipoorwill all the night through
See that brook running by my kitchen door
well it couldn't talk no more if it was you
Up that tree there's sort of a squirrel thing
Sounds just like we did when we were quarelling
In the yard I keep a pig or two
They drop in for dinner like you used to do
I don't stand in the need of company
with everything I see talking like you
Up that tree there's sort of a squirrel thing
Sounds just like we did when we were quarelling
You may think you left me all alone but
I can hear you talk without a telephone
I don't stand in the need of company
with everything I see talking like you
See that bird sitting on my windowsill
Well he's saying whipoorwill all the night through
Just whipoorwill all the night through
In between two tall maountains there's a place they call lonesome
Don't see why they call it lonesome
I'm never lonesome now I live there