I am listening to a priest chanting the mass and a choir of nuns, responding
his mature, cultivated voice rings with the serene authority of the one,
Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church
of the faith once and for all delivered
to the saints, and the nuns respond, with childlike
But, listening again,
I can hear the priest
putting on his voice,
hear the inflated,
innocent devotion,
Kneeling in their stalls
completely cowed
Listen deeper
The nuns are not cowed at all.
They are playing possum
But, listening again,
I can hear the priest
putting on his voice,
and the nuns respond
with childlike
hear the inflated,
innocent devotion,
little suffer, the limp gesture
bowing turns into of the closing claw
I am listening to a priest chanting the mass and a choir of nuns, responding
his mature, cultivated voice rings with the serene authority of the one,
Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church
of the faith once and for all delivered
to the saints, and the nuns respond