Najua mumeonana miaka mingi
Lakini wakati sio mapenzi
Sikiza hisia skiza ukweli
Mwanzo wa mapenzi ni urafiki
Basi karibia betty
Trust me sitapeli
(I know you can feel the energy moving
Baby take my hand and come with me
We can fly away
We can be free)*2
Twende baby twende twende eeeh)
He's gon be everywhere everywhere looking for you
Basi twende muchatha ama kikuyu
Beba tu bagi moja
I'll get you more shoes
All that you treasure
All that you want with no pressure
Is here and now
Its here
Mark your dates
Pack, be safe
I'm coming for you
I'm coming for you
Nimekuamsha teke teke teke teke
Safari ya maisha baby twende twendee
Baby twende
Twende twende
twende, Baby twende eeeh
wacha fever
you are safe in my arms
far from his hurt
when you're next to me baby
(when you're next to me baby)
wacha fear
you are safe in my arms
far from his hurt
when you're next to me
he won't come any closer
so twende twende
(twende twende twende)
Twende Twende Twende
Baby Twende Twende eeeeh