When I go, dear lady
To the market square
I'll buy you a rooster
Just so fair
The rooster crows
Loud cock-a-doodle-doo
To wake you up every morn anew
When I go, dear lady
To the market square
I'll buy you a little hen so fair
The little hen goes
Cluck cluck, cluck
The rooster crows loud
To wake you up every morn anew
When I go, dear lady
To the market square
I'll buy you a kitty just so fair
The kitty says meow meow
The little hen goes cluck
Cluck, cluck
The rooster crows loud
To wake you up every morn anew
When I go, dear lady
To the market square
I'll buy you
A little dog so fair
The little dog goes woof
Woof, woof
The kitty says meow meow
The little hen goes cluck
Cluck, cluck
The rooster crows loud
To wake you up every morn anew
When I go, dear lady
To the market square
I'll buy you a little
Lamb so fair
The little lamb goes baa
Baa, baa
The little dog goes
Woof woof, woof
The kitty says meow meow
The little hen goes cluck
Cluck, cluck
The rooster crows loud
To wake you up every morn anew