when winter wind blows to me again
l'm alone in this night
that year today l held your hand under the stars
when the street lamp shines my shadow
like a tiny dust
today this year l stand alone under the stars
that is not the love this love passes like a stream
great ships of times
this fleeting and sad love
l had it and lost it
this hateful and beautiful love
with sun and stars
this fleetiing and sad love
l'm tired l'm quiet
l wish you happy fovever
when the street lamp shines my shadow
like a tiny dust
today this year l stand alone under the stars
that is not the love this love passes like a stream
great ships of times
this fleeting and sad love
l had it and lost it
this hateful and beautiful love
with sun and stars
this fleetiing and sad love
l'm tired l'm quiet
l wish you happy fovever
this fleeting and sad love
l had it and lost it
this hateful and beautiful love
with sun and stars
this fleetiing and sad love
l'm tired l'm quiet
l wish you happy fovever
l love you with the sky