傘に入れてください 急に雨が降ってきたの
傘に入れてください あなたの青い傘に
(Please put it in your umbrella, it's raining all of a sudden
Please put it in your umbrella in your blue umbrella)
あなたの帰り道で わざとらしく雨宿り
本当はバッグに 傘は入っているけど
(On your way home, take shelter from the rain on purpose
Actually, I have an umbrella in my bag)
雨の日はあの子と一緒に いつもあなたの傘の中
あの子も私も半分ずつ 濡れていたけれども
いつしか 私だけが びしょ濡れ状態
(On rainy days, I'm with friend that girl, always under your umbrella
She and I were half wet, though
Before I knew it, I'm the only one soaking wet
Yes, you chose that girl's smile)
傘に入れてください 今日はあなたが一人で帰る日
傘に入れてください 最後のわがまま
(Please Put it in an umbrella Today is the day you go home alone
Please Put it under an umbrella The Last Selfishness)
あなたが私に気づいて 傘をさしかけてくれた
「君一人で僕の傘に入るのは 今日が初めてだったよね」って
(You noticed me and offered me an umbrella
"Today was the first time you were in my umbrella by yourself.")
わたし あなたの言葉に すごく胸がドキドキ
なぜか涙が急に 浮かんできたの
(I'm so maked my heart flutter by your words
For some reason, tears suddenly came to my eyes)
最後に少しだけ あなたのそばにいたかったの
(I'm leaving this city tomorrow morning
I just wanted to be there for you a little bit at the end)
傘をかしてください あなたのこの青い傘を
傘をかしてください もう返せないけれど
(Please lend me an umbrella with this blue umbrella of yours
Please lend me an umbrella, even though I can't give it back anymore)
傘をかしてください この街に住んでいた想い出に
(Please lend me an umbrella for the memories of living in this city
I want to take your umbrella with me)
もう雨も上がったみたい さよなら私の淡い恋心
(It seems that the rain has already stopped, goodbye my pale love)
(I wonder what's beyond that rainbow)