Friends S06E10 (口白)歌词由英语听力演唱,出自专辑《老友记 (第六季)》,下面是《Friends S06E10 (口白)》完整版歌词!
Friends S06E10 (口白)歌词完整版
Why is everybody using these tiny little lights nowadays
I remember when people used big ones
That's a good story Grandpa
Wow Monica's letting other people help decorate her tree
Did someone get her drunk again or
Having a perfect tree is not what Christmas is about
It's about being with loved ones
That is nice And we're done Ta da
It just doesn't quite feel like Christmas to me
Oh here
See now it feels like Christmas
And that's the story of the dreidel
Some people trace the Christmas tree to the Egyptians
Who'd bring palm branches into huts on the shortest day of the year
Symbolizing life's triumph over death
And that was like 4000 years ago 4
Around the same time that you started this story
Hey you guys Hey What's up
I had to get out of the apartment Janine's stretching all over
Everywhere I look she's like
I can see why that's hard to resist
I like her so much
I'm sorry she doesn't feel the same
I know And she's so sweet
I just want to feed her grapes and brush her hair
You are aware that she's not a monkey right
I am so over Janine
Yeah at first I thought she was hot but now she's like old news
Hey guys Janine
I'm gonna be a dancer on a TV special for New Year's Eve
It's called some sort of ****in' Rockin' ****y Eve
Hold it
Are you talking about ****Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve
Yeah that's what I said
Oh my God we love that show
Ross and I have been watching it since I can remember
You're still just a little fat girl inside aren't you
I'm gonna be one of the party people
You're gonna be a party person Those guys rock the most
They said to bring someone Want to be my dance partner
I would love to spend New Year's with you
They're taping tomorrow I don't understand why
Well how it works is
The part with ****Clark in Times Square is actually live
But they tape some of the party stuff ahead of time
Not a lot of people know that
Do you guys want to come too
Are you serious We are there
What are you laughing at
Well I used to date him but you're still going out with her
Thanks Great so we can all go together
I gotta run I'll catch you later
Bye Janine
Did she just ask me out on a date
I don't think so
She invited him to the biggest party of the millennium
Yeah but she also invited you and Ross
I'm sorry I don't think that that was a romantic thing
Well maybe But hey I know how I can find out
It's a New Year's Eve party
So at midnight I can kiss her And if she kisses me back great
If she says What are you doing
I can say lt wasn't me it was New Year's
That's better than Ross kissing me in high school
And saying that he did it because he needed Chap Stick
It was a dry day
We are going to ****Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve
Oh my God
Oh my God
Oh my God
Okay I've been on sets before
So let me give you some advice
It's a show but we're just dancing It's no big deal
Important thing to remember:Stay cool
Got it Okay
Oh my God It's just like I dreamed it
Everyone Gather up
Excuse us Excuse us
The music's gonna start you're gonna dance
We'll tape it Don't look at the camera Questions
Yeah I have a question When is this gonna air
Yeah Now you guys dance over there
You guys over there I want you two here
Everyone else spread out
We'd rather not dance together because we're brother and sister
Yeah it would seem kind of weird
As weird as coming all the way down here and then having to go home right now
So when is it gonna air
You look in the kitchen I got the closet
I can save you time ladies I'm right here
Yeah Why don't you take a walk This doesn't concern you
We're looking for our presents from Monica
That's terrible
No we do it every year
Oh well that makes it not terrible
Yeah we never find them
She's always bested us that wily minx
We'll search here for an hour 1
And then we'll go to Joey's and search okay
You can't look for Monica's presents We have to
You don't have to And you can't because I live here too
Well then you should look with us
Aren't you worried about what to get Monica
No I have a great idea for her present
Oh that's it A great idea Oh yeah
What if she gets you a great present
Two mediums and lots of little ones
And you just get her one present She'll feel bad
Why would you do that to her Why Why
If I help we can find them faster Right
We have a live one
Oh it's a Macy's bag Yeah
Who's it for
Dear losers do you really think I'd hide presents under the couch
Uh oh She may be onto us
We are so gonna find them this year
You said you'd go across the hall and look Do you do that every year
You don't go into the back of my closet
And look under my gym bag or anything
No Never do that No
That's where Joey gave me stuff to store that I've never seen
Okay that did not just happen
Here comes a camera
Right No biggie Stay loose
Why do they keep doing that
We have to get up on one of those platforms
They've been taping them all day
What'd you guys do to get up on there
We learned how to dance
When you learned to dance did you forget how to put on underpants
Hey you're a good dancer Really
You'd be better if you loosened your hips
What do you mean Like this
That's it Feel the rhythm That's better
You're dancing with her
We're together Yeah we came together
I don't see it
You are dancing with the tall guy Tall guy raise your hand
Hey buddy Let me dance with her I like her and I think I have a shot
Really you think so I don't
I couldn't find anything Hey wait
Yeah we found them
They were in the guest room closet
You have nothing to worry about because they're crap
Those are mine I got those for you
Oh Thanks Chandler they're great
Chandler what is this very weird metal A Z thing AZ
Those are bookends That's a great gift
Oh Okay I'm sorry Thank you for my az AZ
Make sure you put all that stuff back in the closet
Yes okay
By the way I think it's really nice of you that even after you moved
You still keep storing that stuff for Joey
Hey dancing girl
Can I go to the bathroom
Here we go Yeah
Looking good Gellers
We know
That snippy guy's the one who decides who gets on the platform
We should go dance by him Okay
Okay everybody hold
Next on the platforms are
You two And
You two Cool
Excuse me sir
Would it help if I weren't wearing underpants
Would it
How about me
Hey tall guy
I want to talk to you about that girl you're dancing with
She's nice huh To think I almost brought my wife to this
Yeah Yeah Okay
Look I came with that girl okay
I plan to kiss her at the New Year's countdown
I'm trying to win her over I
I don't think so
You can dance with my partner
She's real mellow
Look you dating this girl you came with
I was hoping after tonight that maybe I could
No No She's fair game if you ask me Sorry buddy
All right Hey
Fair is fair When you're right you're right What can I say
Are you in second grade
Hey man you're the one who wet his pants
Monica would not hide the presents down here
No but she did Look there's that old hippie I've always wanted
If they are here Gunther knows about it
And I could get it out of him He's had a huge crush on me
That's not fair to play with his head though You do it
Hey Gunther
Getting to be that holiday time again huh
Yes it's like a miracle
I was thinking since it's the time of giving gifts
I was wondering are there any presents around here for me
You know what I mean
I think I found them That's the Toys for Tots collection bin
That's awfully convenient don't you think For the tots it is
Hey you guys guess what Did you find them
No Gunther fainted
Man this sucks
If Mom and Dad don't see us on TV after we made them jealous
Then who's gonna be the losers then
I know what'll get us up on a platform
The routine
We haven't done the routine since middle school
When the snippy guy sees the routine
He'll want to build us our own platform
Was it that good
It's almost fake midnight Do we really have any other choice
Okay let's do it
Mom and Dad are gonna be so faced
Five six seven eight
So do we really need to ask who's going up on the platform next
You get up there and do that again exactly like that
Get this d**k will want it for the Bloopers show
All right cut Listen up everyone
When we start again it'll be the countdown
So I want to see everybody's excitement high
Hey guy
You got three seconds to get away 3
What's going on here
Take a look at the guy's pants
You told us to show excitement but don't you think he went overboard high high
What's the matter with you Go
Yeah take a hike wet pants
Can you believe this
We're on the platform for the millennial moment
I know
You haven't been practicing the routine have you
Me too
When the music starts
I was thinking about maybe going into the robot
Ross we should stick to the routine We don't want to look stupid
Seven Okay it all comes down to this 7
Whatever happens happens
Three two one 3 2 1
Cut No
Happy No Year
Now we go to the live shot of Times Square That's a wrap
What did that snippy guy say
I think he's kicking out anyone who's not dancing
So just keep dancing
Hey look who I found
Oh hi guys
Birds have a very good sense of direction
I thought maybe they could help us find the presents
Yes if the presents are hidden south for the winter
Or we could just follow your clever jokes Any ideas Didn't think so
Come on show us where the presents are
The duck seems to think that Monica got me garbage
I wonder what I could get Monica that's as good as garbage
How about my az AZ
Hey This is hollow What
This bench it's hollow I can't believe I never knew that
Oh the presents Don't look directly at them
All right no we could look at them
This one's for me
This one's for Chandler Here
And the big one's for me Oh let's open them
Wait a minute We can't do this Why
I don't want to know what Monica got me
I'm sure she worked hard at getting it and wanting to surprise me
And you guys are gonna ruin that
We have to put these back This is not what Christmas is about
Whatever Linus I'm opening mine
Nobody is opening anything okay
I want to see the look on her face when I give her my present
I'm sure she wants to see the look on my face when I get mine
So please please can we just Can we put them back
Will you get us better gifts fine
Hey guys
You found the presents
You let them find the presents
Do you know how long it took me to find you that water purifier
That's what you got me Yes I see That look is priceless
Home sweet home huh
Nice to get back to reality
Plus we know how the New Year's gonna go off
I guess there's no reason for all that Y2K panic you know
Anyway good night
Joey Yeah
Three 3
Two one 2 1
Happy New Year
What was that for
Tonight when they yelled cut and we didn't get to kiss
I was really really disappointed and I just
I just really wanted to kiss you
In the moment I really wanted to kiss you too In the moment
In the moment But only in the moment
So do you want to kiss again
Sure New Year's Eve is only two weeks away 2
Can you wait
Me neither
Three two 3 2
You don't have to count down every time we kiss
Oh Okay
Except I sort of felt like I needed a couple seconds to get ready
We were on the platform ready to dance into the new millennium
And the guy yellsCut
So Joey didn't get to kiss Janine Nope he sure didn't
I guess that means that you guys are still tied
I don't know about that I think she saw us do our routine
I may have boogied right into first place
So you guys are telling me that you actually did
The routine from eighth grade
Yeah But of course we had to update it a little bit
Hey by the way quick thinking about catching me
There's no way you could've done the end
The way you guys did it back then
What We could do it
I don't know You were a lot bigger I mean stronger back then
I can do it okay
Come on let's go Come on
One two three four
Five six seven eight
I can't do it
Now you do that you're on TV