Derari ase9an am thiry
Te9iyaran tazeran jirath
Thekmar te3achan thaziry
Gi deroubath n city
Drama konha keta zi serie
Belan mikh atazoud ad iery
Chi yoda chi inedwass iry
Gi deroubath n city
Derari ase9an am thiry
Te9iyaran tazeran jirath
Thekmar te3achan thaziry
Gi deroubath n city
Drama konha keta zi serie
Belan mikh atazoud ad iery
Chi yoda chi inedwass iry
Gi deroubath n city
Uno dos uno tres
We're making progress
Okinegh bo imootisen
Kameer nigh atamtheth
Block crest
La la machi ignostic
Thin ijeen machi 2
Twice te3qabend eiin bayen
Nhaa mizaren l'mlayeen
Teganak taaj bach
Athqeman ataf ineek
Ohoo mara thjedasen
Amkan akawin saaf ineek
Wa biinaa
Tocaa notaa sabir on the beat
Refhaameth ineek gha chiiit
Mara nsas khas fos gha jiit
Machi th vargas bacha akinegh a hoo
Rokh rouh rhyma ani thakhoo
Koulchi ghayda
Derari ote3yan
Ghak ghak atefayad
9a koulchi ichath fire
Yeh yeh
Playa te3ama am pattaya
Koulchi icheta7 koulchi
Iwwaa danity bra leghatay
Yeh yeh
Koulchi itazar itekhayad lemdina
Thesa3at dewa 9a3 o tefrina
Tonobine dewa am katrina
Chi nteba3 meriem chi teba3 dina
Zi rewast n al hoceima city
Patera thecharja o tefrina
Fouss gess pistola bla serie
3ema malita kessira
Derari ase9an am thiry
Te9iyaran tazeran jirath
Thekmar te3achan thaziry
Gi deroubath n city
Drama konha keta zi serie
Belan mikh atazoud ad iery
Chi yoda chi inedwass iry
Gi deroubath n city
Derari ase9an am thiry
Te9iyaran tazeran jirath
Thekmar te3achan thaziry
Gi deroubath n city
Drama konha keta zi serie
Belan mikh atazoud ad iery
Chi yoda chi inedwass iry
Gi deroubath n city
Machi kif kif thin lfaarq
Machi samurai siif wa th lbaarq
Gha kess f3ayel monkeys tiih lard
Khethagh musiqua jay akiis aneg l3ard
Qaa yche3ar manaya
Ogha tisekhsin barhas
I lwiqaya (finahiya)
Bra mathe3yagh
Tawighasen lmidaliya
Bra maythinith
Thipanay theghya ghiyaa
Snenay mliih gi thadath
Nsen sghakhthen
Khmanyni 3tagh khseen
Thvanemd thakhsem
Osnegh bo atheflixigh
Kmregh ghatef taxi
Ghas tac tick
Nara musiqua tactile
Ntaf tempo nechayasen steack
Couplet izogeth am lastic
Hiyeth I rap azo gi gymnastic
Jirath thedwa iga3edad
Khanegh sebah 3awed
Bel3am aberid nechnine
Weni mikh nezama athen3awen
3am o dewa 3am o newa
Refihem anekom 3emass a denwa
Weni imegha our da3efan
Adi9im gi zero edwa
Chi itazer itawyd sofouss
Chi inough itelwa
Derari tawyntyd sofouss
Wakha akhass i3ewa (3ewa)
Derari 9a gan am vimpra
Bera seba adagek ityra
Fast life asety9a d karira
A3erour chedan aghass bandira
Just over the top
And the party never stop
Over the top
And the party never stop
Over the top
And the party never stop
Over the top
And the party never stop
Over the top
The party never stop
Never stop stop
The party the party
The party never stop